• 15 July 2010
    When my web site, which was then called Shanville, first went live in March 2000 I did all of the work on it myself! Having read a How To Create A Web Site in 24 Hours book, I painstakingly put together a very crude site. It wasn't much to look at, but I was proud of it, and it was a good starting point for what was to come. If you click on the following link, you can see what that original home page looked like, except there was also a photo of a tarantula, thumbnails of the books covers, and the links worked!!! http://www.darrenshan.com/extras/extras/oldhomepage.html
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  • A short delay

    from Darren's Blog on 25 July 2024

    OK folks, this is a mixed news post -- potentially good long-term news, but mixed in with some...

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  • TOUR details - see Shanville Monthly

    from Events on 06 August 2017

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