• 10 great horror books… 10 terrible movies?!?

    12 August 2024

    SCREEN RANT posted a feature some time ago, entitled TEN GREAT HORROR BOOKS THAT MADE FOR TERRIBLE MOVIES.


    No prizes for guessing which books featured in the #4 slot!!!


    You can check out the full list here: https://screenrant.com/great-horror-books-terrible-movies/#vampire-blood-trilogy-cirque-du-freak


    As I almost always state when the subject of the Cirque Du Freak movie is broached... I had nothing to do with the film... I do wish it had been more faithful to my books, and a lot darker than it turned out... but I do think that on its own terms it was a pretty neat, entertaining little movie, that probably deserved to find a wider audience than it did upon release. I have no axe to grind with it, although I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the books get rebooted for a TV show, and that the adapters look to involve me this time, and stick a bit more closely to the source material.


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