• 10 YA Series that Could Be the Next Hunger Games

    06 November 2019

    There was an interesting article on CBR.com a while ago, focusing on 10 YA Series that Could Be the Next Hunger Games. It looks at ten different YA series that it feels are ripe for a TV or movie adaptation -- and I was very pleased to see not just one, but two of my long series namechecked -- Cirque Du Freak (it almost goes without saying) and The Demonata.




    I'm always open to my works being adapted, and as I've hinted here in the recent past, there are TV rumblings on the Cirque Du Freak and Zom-B fronts -- although before anyone gets too excited, those rumbles have been rumbling for quite a while now, and at the moment they're nothing more than rumbles, so don't go raising your hopes TOO high. But yeah, things have been happening behind the scenes with those two series, though it remains to be seen if anything will come of either project.


    The Demonata, on the other hand, hasn't yet elicited more than a few half-interested enquiries over the years. Maybe it's too grisly. Maybe the structure is too off-putting. The world of TV and movies being what it is, if there ARE to be further adaptations of my works, maybe a Demonata fan will come from out of nowhere and it will be fast-tracked and see the light of day first. But at the moment I'd have to pronounce it a deep-sleeping Sleeping Beauty...

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