• 24 hours of Freaky mayhem

    02 June 2020

    Back in March, a fan of my Cirque Du Freak / Saga of Darren Shan series called Connor set himself the task of reading all twelve books in the space of twenty-four hours. It was a mammoth undertaking that pushed Connor to both his physical and mental limits. Thankfully for the rest of us, Connor filmed himself throughout the course of his "ordeal" and edited it all together into a very amusing half hour video over on YouTube. If YOU have ever thought of challenging yourself to read an entire Darren Shan series in the space of a single day, watch how Connor got on -- then think again!!! :-)







    Speaking of 24 hours... it's about that amount of time until I start my AMA (Ask Me Anything) session over on Reddit tomorrow Wednesday June 3rd at 3pm EST (8pm UK time), where I'll be online for two hours, answering just about every question that you guys want to ask me. Don't miss this one! https://www.reddit.com/r/books/wiki/amafullschedule




    The June issue of the Shanville Monthly went live yesterday. LOADS of Darren Shan articles in this month. Check it out here: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly

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