• A brace of Spanish reviews

    08 February 2022

    Although my books for some reason never sold especially well in their Spanish translations (my publishers only published the first nine books in my Cirque Du Freak series, in three trilogy collections), I have quite a few Spanish-speaking fans who found my work and have followed me resolutely over the years, on my website, Facebook, Twitter and so on. Some of them post lovely reviews every so often, and I thought I'd feature two of those today.


    The first is actually three reviews in one -- a blogger called Plegarias en la Noche (which translates to Prayers in the Night) posted a review of the first three books in the series. She warned readers to expect a VERY different experience if they'd seen the movie before reading the books... she provided a fun review of each book, without too many spoilers... and summed up with a snappy "The three books are very entertaining and provide all sorts of sensations -- terror, laughter, anguish, suspense, stress... hahaha. So if you are looking for a vampire book that contains everything, this is the one for you."


    Google Translate or some similar online service will provide you with a pretty accurate translation if you don't speak English, but you'll probably have to copy and paste the first half, and then the second half, as it's quite lengthy. Here's the link for the full Spanish review: http://plegariasenlanoche.blogspot.com/2021/04/el-aprendiz-de-vampiro-de-darren-shan.html?m=0


    The second review is on YouTube, and this is where technology hits its limits -- I haven't yet found anything that translates a video blog for me! It's a lengthy review, just over 26 minutes. I'm pretty sure the blogger, called Letras en Rizo (Curly Letters!), enjoyed the book (again, it's the first three novels in the series), but if any Spanish-speakers watch it, I'd appreciate a quick confirm on that! :-)


    You can watch the full review by clicking here: https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=231654288750511



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