• A demonic birthday cake

    24 February 2021

    A few months back, a fan of my books called Morgan decided to celebrate her birthday by making a cake with her granny, inspired by my Demonata books. I think you'll all agree that they did an amazing job with it. The chess theme obviously speaks for itself, and represents Lord Loss rather neatly. But if my deductive skills are up to scratch, I think the three narrators from the series are represented as well. The coloured shapes on the white part of the cake surely depict the panels of light that Kernel can see. And I suspect the dark part of the cake reflects Grubbs in a wolfen, transformative state. As for Bec... well, surely Morgan is standing in for Bec!!!


    How about it, Morgan? Have I called it right, or has lockdown sent me loopy?!? :-)


    Either way, all together now, albeit somewhat belatedly...


    "Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Morgan... Happy birthday to you!!"




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