• A Demonic Black Friday at The Works

    29 November 2019

    It's Black Friday. The day when just about everyone in the world wants to buy something at a discount. I sometimes arrange discounts of my Darren Dash books for adults to tie in with this day of the year, but haven't done that this time round. (But don't worry, bargain hunters -- the Dash ebooks WILL be going on sale again in the near future, so hold touch on that front if you don't want to pay full-price for them!)


    But luckily for my fans in the UK, the lovely people in The Works are currently selling a boxed set of all 10 books in my Demonata series for the ludicrously low price of just £15. Yep, you read that right -- £15, which equates to £1.50 per book. Even Lord Loss is happy to get in line and wait patiently for that particular offer! :-)


    If you want to grab the books, you can either head down to your local branch of The Works as fast as your feet can carry you, or you can pop online and get them through their web site by clicking here: https://www.theworks.co.uk/p/general-collections/enter-the-demonata---10-book-box-set/9780007944033


    I'll be posting some more links to offers tomorrow, since Black Friday tends to stretch across the entire weekend (if not the entire week) these times. They're repeats of links I posted a few weeks back, so if you don't want to wait for them, scroll back a bit through my previous posts and get your credit card ready...


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