• A freaky callback

    18 September 2024

    A Shanster called Morgan was reading Zom-B Bride recently when he noticed a VERY familiar line!! See if YOU can spot it too -- if not, I'll point you towards it at the bottom of this email...


    While there are, of course, lots of coincidences in the world, this line was inserted deliberately, as a little Easter Egg for sharp-eyed fans who had read Cirque Du Freak. It seemed like a fun little way to hark back to the start of that series, and while I don't normally include anything like that, as it can break the spell of a book and jolt readers out of the world that I've carefully created for them, this was one instance where I just couldn't turn away from the idea once it presented itself to me.


    Or... I suppose it might also have been... DesTiny?!?


    ****If you still haven't located the line in question, look at the third line from the bottom in the photo***


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  • A freaky callback

    from Darren's Blog on 18 September 2024

    A Shanster called Morgan was reading Zom-B Bride recently when he noticed a VERY familiar line!!...

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