• A Little cosplay

    07 January 2020

    A fan of the Little People from my Cirque Du Freak books, called Kagamitori, recently decided to cosplay as Harkat Mulds. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall when people passing by caught a glimpse of this one! :-) :-) :-)




    If YOU haven't yet caught a glimpse of the January issue of the Shanville Monthly, you need to swing by and check it out as soon as you possibly can, as it contains news of a very special anniversary, as well as a cool tie-in competition. You can find it by clicking here: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly

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  • A short delay

    from Darren's Blog on 25 July 2024

    OK folks, this is a mixed news post -- potentially good long-term news, but mixed in with some...

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  • TOUR details - see Shanville Monthly

    from Events on 06 August 2017

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