A nice global spread
11 January 2023I replied to some fan mail today, and in the order I went through them, the letters came from... Sweden, the USA, England, Japan, and New Zealand. Now that was a fairly cool geographical sweep, wasn't it?!? One of the things I've loved over the last couple of decades if getting lots and lots of fan mail, and I'm constantly amazed by how widely my books have travelled, and how I have fans in so many different parts of the globe.
I've never guaranteed responses to emails (though I do actually reply to most), but I ALWAYS reply to letters with handwritten letters of my own, as you can see from this example from several years ago, when some students of MacMerry Primary School wrote to me. In this age of technological wonders, a letter is a rare and wondrous thing, and I always appreciate the time and effort it takes for a fan to send one to me -- hence my happy willingness to reply in kind.
If YOU would like to write to me, you can find my address on the Darren Shan website, here: https://darrenshan.com/contact Of course, you can email me if you prefer, or drop me a quick line through Facebook or Twitter, but wouldn't a handwritten, signed note from me in return be worth the bit of extra trouble, time and expense that sending a letter would involve?!?