• A rare reviewer

    18 September 2019

    When you write a long series of books, as I have done a few times now, one of the problems is the scarcity of reviews for later entries. It's relatively easy -- if you have the backing of a major publisher -- to secure lots of reviews for the first book, as reviewers are usually more than happy to read the "launch" book for a new series that is coming out from a well-established publishing house. But reviewers aren't the same as fans -- they have a responsibility to their followers, and a good reviewer has to read widely and write about lots of different books, not just stick to their authors and series they like best. So, by the time you're three or four books in, the reviews are normally as thin on the ground as survivors in the aftermath of a Demonata attack!


    But thankfully a few intrepid reviewers break the standard rules and go on to write reviews for those later, less-written-about tomes. One such reviewer is Cornix Regina over on the Reviews And Randomness web site, who recently completed her reviews for all twelve of my Zom-B books, returning to the series after a lengthy gap. You can pick up the thread with Book 8, Zom-B Clans, by clicking on the following link, and use the Next Entry link on that page to flick to the review for Book 9, then Book 10, and so on. https://cornix-regina.livejournal.com/90093.html

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