• A Shan quartet of photos

    02 August 2020

    It wouldn't be a proper Sunday without some Shan family photos, so to keep this Sunday right and proper, here we go with a smorgasbord of random snaps taken over the last couple of months.


    Gaia and I pose behind a Covid-19 sign in the first photo, which we took to be able to show to her in later years when the virus is hopefully a long distant memory, to be able to prove that she DID live through it. You can tell this photo was taken several weeks ago by the wild, wispy state of my hair, as my barber was still in lockdown then!



    The second photo captures a typical breakfast in the Shan household. Dante plays on his iPad (Minecraft and Roblox are his current faves, unless he's watching some (probably highly age inappropriate) video), while Gaia waits like a baby bird, mouth open, for Daddy to feed her. Mrs Shan was obviously up and about to take the photo, but most days she sleeps in until about midday, while I do all the feeding and cleaning and child-minding... (Joking!! Joking!!!!)



    In the third snap. Gaia has set up shop outside a fairy's house in Curraghchase (our local forest park) and has no plans of going anywhere until the little ones come out to play. "I can wait as long as it takes..."



    Mrs Shan is pointing to Gaia's wellies in the fourth pic, because they were given to Dante as a present by a friend of ours called Maiko when he was a nipper, and they're still going strong, having been passed on to Gaia, who loves splashing about in puddles in them.





    The August issue of the Shanville Monthly went live yesterday, with all the latest Darren Shan news and updates, plus another Shan clan photo in case these four aren't enough for you! :-) https://www.darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly

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