• A trilogy of Kah Gashes

    13 November 2021

    While my Cirque Du Freak books remain my most popular series, I think everyone can agree that the "coolioest" simply has to be The Demonata!! :-) :-) :-)


    As I've often said, I don't have a favourite out of my series, but the one I'm proudest of is The Demonata, partly because it stretched me the furthest as a writer, and partly because it's just such a wild, bats**t crazy ride!!! To be honest, I look back on it now with amazement, hardly able to believe that the whole thing came together as smoothly and coherently as it did -- there were times, when I was in the middle of it, when I felt sure I'd bitten off more than I could chew, and that the whole mad stack of cards was going to collapse around me at any given moment.


    To celebrate making it to the end in one (reasonably sane) piece, today I'm featuring three pieces of fan art of everyone's favourite Kah-Gash -- those demon-battling teenagers from different time periods, Grubbs Grady, Kernel Fleck and Bec.


    I love how different these three pieces are -- even though they're of the same characters, I don't think you'd ever connect them if you saw them together out of context. The first, with the deliciously delirious backwards writing, is by Akiyama Shinichi. The second, loveably cartoonish piece, is by Jack. And the third, in which I can practially HEAR Bec singing "These boots were made for walking... all over demons!!!" is by Mike.


    Excellent work, people! Now put those pens away and go save the universe from the terrors of Lord Loss and his demonic, deadly chums!!!!




    For all the latest Darren Shan news, check out the November issue of the Shanville Monthly newsletter: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly




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