• Adieu Ireland—but only for now!

    19 May 2011

    Well, it's the end of the current Irish leg of my May tour, but as they used to sing in Avenue Q, "it's only for now!!" Because I'll be back here again to do a couple of schools events in Dublin at the end of the month, then a signing in Dundrum on Saturday June 18th. For more info about those, along with a few other summer events that I will be attending, check out the SHANVILLE MONTHLY.


    I've had a fab time in Ireland, as I usually do! Things got off to a good start when I found out that Ocean of Blood had gone to #1 on the Irish Children's Bestsellers chart, and it is still there a couple of weeks later -- nice!!! I had a fun time recording the Elev8 programmed for RTE. I did an event with a group of selected fans in the studio, which is due to air on the web at some point, though I don't know when. Then I went on the live show that afternoon. I had a couple of days at home, during which I did my final edit of Palace of the Damned, the thrid of the Mr Crepsley books -- that's now all ready for its release in the UK and USA late in September. Then at the weekend I did my re-scheduled signings in Tralee, Limerick and Cork. Tralee was a disappointment -- word didn't seem to have got around about the new date, so only a handful of fans found out and came along. But I was signing for more than 3 hours in the Crescent shopping centre, which was brilliant -- it was my first time at that store, and I was delighted that it went so well. Cork was even bigger -- I was there for 4 and a half hours!!! I've always had massive crowds in Cork -- those Leeside Shansters are staunch in their support!!!!


    After another couple of days off, I hit the road again, and signed for 2 hours and 15 minutes in Newbridge -- sweet!! Then I headed to Belfast, where I did a small school event in Waterstones for some of the many students who had been pencilled in to come see me at my cancelled event in the Black Box theatre. It was a shame we couldn't arrange for a bigger crowd, but alas the logistics proved insurmountable!! I signed for an hour and a half later that afternoon. And now I'm getting ready for another short break, before I hit Wales next weekend -- Cardiff on the 29th, Swansea and Hay on the 30th -- then Dublin on the 31st -- see the SHANVILLE MONTHLY for more details.


    By the way, if you live in the UK or Ireland, I am currently Author Of The Week on Play.com, and many of my books are on sale at a serious discount -- some as low as £2.70!!!! To check it out and snag yourself a Shantastic bargain, CLICK HERE.

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