• Amazon paperbacks

    17 May 2023

    Amazon are increasing the printing costs for books that are published through them. This will affect the prices of all my Darren Dash paperback books for adults, as well as all the Archibald Lox paperbacks which are published under the Darren Shan name. I'm not sure how much of an increase there will be -- it depends on the size of each book -- but the prices WILL be going up, from June 20th. So if you have been thinking of buying any of those books in paperback format, my advice is to buy NOW before the price increase.


    Please note, the prices of the eBooks and hardbacks (which are published by a different firm) will NOT be affected. This applies only to the paperbacks.


    For the titles of all my Archibald Lox and Darren Dash books, click here: https://darrenshan.com/books


    Hmm... this reminds me. At the moment my Darren Dash books are only on sale through Amazon stores worldwide. I've been planning to make the eBooks more widely available, through Apple, B&N, Google, Kobo etc, like my Archibald Lox books are. But I keep forgetting!! Right, let this be a timely reminder to myself to get cracking on that sooner rather than later! (But the paperbacks will still only be on sale through Amazon stores.)



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