• Amity Lee Inktober Part 1

    25 November 2020

    If you've been following my posts regularly over the last couple of years, you're probably familiar with the artist Amity Lee. She's drawn a LOAD of amazing pieces inspired by my work -- including the first ever fan drawings based on my Archibald Lox books.


    In October she decided to do INKTOBER, where artists set themselves a challenge of producing a certain amount of work over the course of the month, inspired by a set of "prompt" words. Never one to do things by halves, Amity Lee set herself the challenge of drawing a piece EVERY SINGLE DAY of the month... and she only went and did it!!!


    I'm including the first three drawings in today's post, along with the prompt sheet that she worked from. She decided to base the drawings on my Saga Of Larten Crepsley series, and they flow in chronological order, following the storyline of the books. So I'm going to say a little piece about them as I share the drawings with you guys over the next several weeks.


    As we learnt in Cirque Du Freak, Mr Crepsley sometimes used the name of Vur Horston, but we only found out WHY he used that name when I wrote Birth Of A Killer, the first book of his series. Vur was his foster brother when he was a human child, and the pair were incredibly close, until tragedy parted them. Then, in one of Larten's darkest, loneliest hours, he met a vampire in a crypt (as you do) who asked him a very odd question...





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