• Amity Lee IS Arra Sails!

    28 September 2020

    I've recently been sent quite a lot of photos of fans cosplaying as characters from my books, so I'm going to feature them in a run of posts over the next two or three weeks, in case any of you are looking for good ideas in the run-up to Halloween.


    I'm kicking things off with a scorcher -- Amity Lee as Arra Sails. Many of you will be familiar with Amity Lee's drawings -- she's produced a seemingly unending array of masterpieces over the last year or so, many of which I've posted here -- but here's a whole new side to her. I must say, she's captured Arra Sails to a tee -- this is exactly how I imagined her when I was writing the books. (The only difference being that Arra would look quite a few years older, and be a bit more weather-beaten.)


    The bar's been set high from the start -- let's see if any of the others can match it over the coming days and weeks!! :-)





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