• Angelic Impression

    12 March 2020

    When it comes to sending my Darren Dash books for adults out to reviewers, I have a fairly long list which I work from, which I've been putting together over the last few years. (Always happy to add to it, so if anyone reading this contributes reviews to a site or blog or anywhere else, just give me a shout if you'd like to be kept in mind for my next release.) Because of the different genres that I work in, I don't reach out to every reviewer on every occasion -- for instance, if someone only reviews sci-fi, there's no point sending them a thriller.


    One of the review sites on my list is Angelic Impression. They mostly review fantasy novels, so at first I wasn't going to send them my latest release, Molls Like It Hot, as it didn't seem like a natural fit. But in the end I did, and I'm very pleased I made that choice, as the reviewer really enjoyed the book and gave it a glowing review, noting in her summation:


    "It was something a bit different to what I'm used to, something not fantasy for a change. But a welcome change, I'm glad I read it."


    As a reader (and writer) I've always been happy to dance around between genres, tying myself to no one mast, trying out most things if they sound like they might be a good read. Most publishers don't like writers who mix up genres as much as I do. Most reviewers don't like it either. Indeed, I guess nor do most readers. So I was genuinely delighted and impressed when the Angelic Impression reviewer stepped outside of her comfort zone and granted Molls the benefit of the doubt. If you'd like to read the full review, you can find it by clicking here:



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