• Anime queries

    20 August 2020

    My post a couple of days ago about the Cirque Du Freak manga omnibus (due to see print in January 2021) went down very well with followers and stoked up a lot of excitement. A few people queried whether there was any chance that the manga might be adpated into an anime. While you can never say never in this business, I'd have to say it seems fairly unlikely. There was some interest in an anime many years ago, in Japan, when the series was still fresh and selling like hot cakes, but because of the Hollywood movie deal, the character rights were all tied up -- while Hollywood is sometimes happy to adapt an anime to turn into an American movie, as far as I'm aware they rarely (if ever??) allow anime to be made of books that they have bought for adaptation, as they would see it as a potential clash of interests. While the TV and movie rights reverted to myself a while back, as I've said before, we're in the middle of trying to get a Cirque Du Freak TV show up and running, so again the rights are tied up with that, meaning that even if there was interest in making an anime (and as far as I know there isn't) it's unlikely it would be given the green light right now.


    A few people also wanted to know if anything was happening with The Demonata or Zom-B or any of my other work, regarding possible adaptations. Sad to say, it remains quiet on the demon front -- I hope it will get adapted one day, but I think we're going to have to wait for a fan of the books, with a vision for how they could be adapted, to become an established movie or TV writer or director or producer -- I think the "suits" find the books either too confusing with three narrators and all the time jumps, or too gory, or both!!


    Better news on the Zom-B front, where things are progressing nicely with putting together a series plan for a TV show. We haven't yet started pitching to the big players, but we're extremely close to that point. I read the latest pilot script a few days ago, and like the Cirque Du Freak script all those years ago (which I hated -- as I've often said, I enjoyed the finished movie for what it was, but when I read the script and saw how different it was going to be, my heart sank), it brought tears to my eyes -- but this time they were HAPPY tears, as the writer has completely "got" the vibe of the books, stayed largely faithful, but made some very good changes and tweaks to suit the needs of the different medium. Keep your fingers crossed...



    If you act VERY swiftly, you might be able to buy all three books of the first Volume of my new Archibald Lox series for less than $2!!! (£1.60 in the UK, €1.80 across Europe, a similar low price in all the other markets.) Books and 3 are currently on sale for just $0.99, but hurry -- they'll be going back to full price later today! Click here to find out more: https://www.darrenshan.com/news/article/archibald-lox-sale

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