• Archibald Lox Book 7 on sale NOW!!!

    31 May 2022



    This is the seventh book in the series, and the start of the Volume 3 story arc, which will bring Archie's story to its close. You won't have long to wait for the final two books -- Book 8 goes on sale on June 28th, and book 9 will go on sale on July 26th.


    The eBook is on sale through a variety of stores, and there's also a paperback edition which is exclusive to Amazon. I'm including direct buying links below, plus a link to Goodreads, in case you want to read the early reviews for the book, or maybe even leave a review of your own once you've read it.


    I hope you enjoy your final adventures with Archie -- I like to think I've saved the best for last!! If you haven't yet started the series, this would be a great time to begin -- you can download the eBook of Book 1 for FREE, while Books 2 and 3 are VERY reasonably priced... :-)


    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/61039790-archibald-lox-and-the-sinkhole-to-hell

    Amazon: http://mybook.to/Archie7ebook

    Apple, B&N, Kobo, etc: https://books2read.com/u/bWEPv1

    Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Darren_Shan_Archibald_Lox_and_the_Sinkhole_to_Hell?id=lrltEAAAQBAJ

    Amazon paperback: http://mybook.to/Archie7paperback


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