• Archibald Lox ebooks sale

    15 December 2021

    To tie in with a BookBub promotion which ran yesterday, for the first Archibald Lox eBook (which is always FREE to download), I'm doing a short pre-Christmas SALE on the eBooks of the second, third and fourth books in the series. For the next couple of days, eBook 2 will be half price in the USA and will cost just $0.99 instead of $1.99. eBook 3 will also be half price and will cost just $1.49 instead of $2.99. I've also knocked a third off of eBook 4 and during the sale it will cost just $1.99 instead of $2.99.


    The books have been reduced to similar prices in all other online stores across the world, e.g. in the UK Book 2 will cost just £0.99, Book 3 will also cost just £0.99, and Book 4 will cost only £1.49.


    Here are the links for the FREE Book 1 eBook -- you'll be able to order all the others from that page.


    eBook 1 on Amazon: CLICK HERE

    eBook 1 on Google Play: CLICK HERE

    eBook 1 on Apple, Kobo, B&N, etc: CLICK HERE


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