• Archibald Lox Hungarian trailer

    15 February 2023

    Volume 1 of my Archibald Lox series goes on sale in Hungary on May 15th. The publishers have put together an informative post about the book, and also included a short video trailer for it, all of which you can check out by clicking on the following link. (If you copy and paste the text from the page into Google Translate, you'll get a highly legible translation of the article.)




    I'm VERY excited about this release. I must admit, after all the obstacles I faced while trying to get the Archibald Lox books published, and eventually having to go down the road of self-publishing with them, I never expected them to be translated. I'm absolutely THRILLED that my Hungarian fans are getting this chance to read Volume 1 in their own language, and hopefully the book will do well enough to enable the publishers to go ahead and also translate and release Volumes 1 and 3. But, even if that doesn't happen, the world is going to be one beautifully translated and packaged book fuller after May 15th, and I think that's a surprising and wonderful thing!!


    If you live in Hungary and would like a copy of the book, you can pre-order now through the publisher's web site.


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