• Archibald Lox PAPERBACKS

    23 October 2020

    And Lo! As predicted in the Ancient Texts, here they are at last, fresh to the waters of Amazon's network of global stores...


    ...the Archibald Lox PAPERBACKS!!


    For those who might have missed it -- Archibald Lox is my new series. I released three short eBooks earlier this year. Now I've released paperback editions of those three books -- as well as a lovely single Volume (called The Missing Princess) which collects the three shorter books into one BIG book.


    I wrote the story the way it appears in the Volume, as one massive story. That's the way I intended for it to be read. But marketing requirements dictated me splitting it into three books for its digital release -- it was the only way I had to take the story to a wider audience, since it meant I was able to offer the first part for free.


    There's no need to buy both formats -- unless you're one of those collectors who insists on having EVERY edition of certain books! My advice is to buy the Volume -- as well as pulling the story together in the way I'd prefer it to be read, it's also the cheapest option -- just $15.99 in the USA, or £12.99 in the UK. If you buy the three smaller books, the total cost will be €21 in the USA or £15.50 in the UK.


    The books are available through all the other Amazon stores worldwide, at prices in line with the American prices -- again, it's going to be a good bit cheaper if you buy the Volume, so that's what I'd recommend.


    If you live in a country that doesn't have an Amazon store, or if you don't like shopping with Amazon on principle -- I'm releasing a paperback edition of the Volume through other shops too (you'll probably even be able to order it from your local bookseller if you wish), as well as a hardback edition. I'll post about those once they start hitting systems worldwide.


    Oh, one last thing -- the three short eBooks are still on sale through Amazon and loads of other eBook sellers (Apple, Google Play, Kobo, etc), and I've made the Volume available as an eBook too. With the digital editions, the price is the same whether you buy the eVolume or the three shorter eBooks -- $4.99 in the USA, £3.99 in the UK, or your local equivalent in other countries.


    I'm providing direct links for the USA and UK paperback below, since that's where most of my fans are based -- if you live elsewhere, just search for the titles in your local Amazon store.


    Volume 1: The Missing Princess (collects Books 1, 2 and 3)
    Book 1: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08LNGTN5C
    Book 2: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08LNG9PYN
    Book 3: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08LNGXWHS

    Volume 1: The Missing Princess (collects Books 1, 2 and 3)
    Book 1: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08LNGTN5C/
    Book 2: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08LNG9PYN/
    Book 3: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B08LNGXWHS/



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