• Archibald Lox Vol 1 Kobo sale

    02 August 2024

    To tie in with a Kobo promotional sale, for the entire month of August, the eBook of Volume One of my Archibald Lox series will be reduced to just $0.99!!! It will be a similar low price around the world, and just £0.99 in the UK, and €0.99 in European territories. If you haven't yet read the book, or read it but don't own a copy, or want to recommend it to a friend or loved one, this is the perfect time to grab Volume One at a bargain basement price!! It collects the first three books of the series, and presents them as a single story, the way it was originally written. On sale through Kobo (obviously!), but also Amazon, Apple, B&N, Google Play, and most other online eBook sellers.


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