• Archibald Lox Volume 2 - first look!!!!

    07 October 2021



    I wasn't planning to release the Archibald Lox Volume 2 omnibus edition until next spring, because a traditional publisher would always leave a sizeable gap between the release of three books in a trilogy, and the collected edition. Since book 6 only went on sale at the start of September, I felt like I should wait at least six months until I brought out The Kidnapped Prince.


    But quite a few fans have grumbled about that over the last several months. They liked the autumn release of Volume 1 last year, they said, because it meant they could get it as a present for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Also, those who've been following the story in that format have waited patiently for a year -- if I didn't release Volume 2 until next spring, that would mean they'd have to wait 18 months in total between releases.


    Now, while I'm often the first to tell people (especially my kids!) that you can't always get what you want... sometimes you CAN!!! Since I'm NOT publishing these books traditionally, I'm free to set my own rules, and... well... the Shansters have spoken, and the great and powerful Shan has listened!!! :-)


    Long story short -- Archibald Lox Volume 2: The Kidnapped Prince is going on sale on Monday, November 1st, 2021, as a hardback, paperback and eBook. The hardback and eBook will be on sale through a variety of stores, but the paperback will only be on sale through Amazon. I'll keep prices down as much as possible, but as with the Volume 1 omnibus, because they're print-on-demand, the physical editions are going to be on the expensive side -- but hopefully Amazon and Books Depository will offer the hardback at a sizeable discount, as they have with Volume 1. On the digital front, it's going to be a third cheaper than if you were to buy the separate eBooks of books 4, 5 and 6 -- making this the most economical way to read the story if pennies or cents are tight!


    I've literally just finished uploading the cover and files to Amazon, Apple, Kobo, Google Play, Ingrams, etc, and it will probably take at least a few days for the book to start showing on their various systems, so this COVER REVEAL is a true WORLD EXCLUSIVE -- because you guys should always come first!! :-)


    I'll provide buying links and more info closer to the release date, but for now, if you haven't yet read Volume 1, you can find out more about it, including where you can pick it up at the best prices, in the October issue of my monthly newsletter: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


    I hope you enjoy the cover as much as I do -- I think it's a stunner!!!!!


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