• Archibald Lox Volume 2 - Hungary announcement

    02 June 2023

    I'm thrilled to be able to announce that Archibald Lox Volume 2 will be released in Hungary in 2024!!!!


    When I sold the rights to Volume 1, it seemed doubtful that we would get beyond that book, so I was steeling myself for having to tell my Hungarian fans that they wouldn't be able to follow Archie's journey any further (unless they could read English and order the English language copies). But the publishers did a great job on Volume 1, sales have been great, the reaction has been great, so... yeah, it's all great!!! :-)


    An exact release date hasn't yet been confirmed -- watch this space! In the meantime, if you read Volume 1 and enjoyed it, PLEASE tell your friends and anyone else you think might be interested in checking it out. The more readers we can attract to the series, the better our chances that sales of Volume 2 will also be strong, which will hopefully allow us to translate and release Volume 3 as well, in 2025...


    For more info about where you can buy a copy of Volume 1,click here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


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