• Archie 9 Goodreads reviews

    22 August 2022

    My Archibald Lox series drew to a close last month with the publication of the ninth and final book, Archibald Lox and the Legion of the Lost. It's gone down very nicely with readers and has been picking up lots of extremely positive reviews. I've previously linked to some of those which have been published on blogs or review sites, but I thought it would also be nice to link to the book on Goodreads, as there are some pretty cool reviews over there too -- and they're all fairly spoiler free!!




    I've got to say, I LOVE Goodreads. I rate every book that I read over there, and drop an occasional review or two. OK, honestly, I don't drop ENOUGH reviews, which is maybe why I always appreicate it when guys like these readers DO. I know they'll be thrilled if you swing by and drop them a little LIKE if you enjoy what they've written... :-)


    Oh, and if you haven't yet bought the book, you can buy the eBook through almost any online eBook seller (Amazon, Apple, Google Play, Kobo, Nook, etc), along with all the other books in the series -- the first one is always FREE to buy. There's also a paperback edition on sale exclusively through Amazon, although I always recommend the OMNIBUS editions if you would rather buy a physical copy -- they collect three books per volume, are more competitively priced, and look absolutely stunning when placd spine-out on a bookshelf!!! :-)


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