• Archie by Emi

    28 January 2023

    A VERY artistically talented Shanster called EMI has drawn some artwork based on my Archibald Lox series. As I've said before, although I love seeing artwork based on ANY of my books, I'm especially psyched when it's related to the Archie books, because there just hasn't been that much of it, so it's a real thrill for me to see these characters brought to life through the imagination and skill of fans who can draw.

    The first drawing is entitled "Let's go live," and those who've read all of the series will know why this touched me so deeply. I want to say more about it, but can't, because it would involve spoilers.

    The second is a close-up of Archie, our hero and narrator.

    The third is based on a scene in the second Volume of the series, where Archie and Inez first cross paths with Kojo, a character who comes to blow a very big role in the unfolding storylines.

    While we're on the subject of the Archibald Lox Volumes... There are three Volumes in total, and each one collects three books from the series, and presents each trilogy as an unbroken story arc (the way I originally wrote them). I'm running BIG discounts on the eBooks of all three Volumes next week, to tie in with a BookBub promotion. The first Volume will be reduced by 66%, the second by 40%, and the third by 50%. You'll be able to read more about the sale in Monday's post, when it will have gone live across all the various online eBook sellers, but in the meantime, if you buy your eBooks using Amazon or Google Play, the sales are already live on those sites, in case you're interested...




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