• Archie hits Google Play—hurray!

    14 April 2020

    It's taken a while, but my Archibald Lox books are now finally available on Google Play, for those of you who like to download your books through there. (You can also access them through Google Books.) As on all other stores, the first book is FREE to download, book 2 is $1.99 or your local equivalent, book 3 is $2.99 or your local equivalent. Here's the link for that first, FREE book in the series:




    If you prefer to buy through your local Amazon store, you can get the first book here: http://mybook.to/ArchieBridge


    For all other stores where the books are on sale, click here: https://books2read.com/u/4AzG7q


    From what I've been hearing from fans around the world, Amazon is very limited if you live in a country without an Amazon store, e.g. Hungary or Taiwan. Kobo is apparently a very good option in those countries, and I imagine Google Play should be a useful alternative too.


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