• Artemis foul

    21 August 2020

    I haven't watched the Artemis Fowl movie yet, and although I will at some point, based on all the terrible reviews, it's not something I'm looking forward to, which is a real shame. I loved the books (still have to finish them -- I'm rather behind on quite a few major series, which is why I never have a dig at readers who fall behind on mine -- I know how hard it is to keep up with a multi-book storyline!) and Eoin Colfer in the flesh is one of the funniest, nicest guys I've ever met -- we became quite good friends, though our paths haven't crossed in a while. (Remind me some other time to tell the story of how the pair of us came face-to-face with Tony Blair in Number 10 Downing Street and I introduced us as "the Irish contingent.")


    I was really hoping for a great Artemis Fowl adaptation, one that would knock the ball out of the park (as our American cousins would say) and manage to get past the difficult-first-movie hurdle that's stopped so many books series adaptations dead in their tracks -- Cirque Du Freak included. My stomach dropped when the reviews started to come in, and I felt so bad for Eoin. Hopefully it will get resurrected one day and done proper justice second time round -- that seems to be what all us YA series writers are praying for these days!!!


    Anyway, one of the reviews caught my eye for a couple of reasons. It was on the Pajiba site, it was very amusingly written (I think Eoin will have admired its reviewer's wit, even though she savaged the movie), and it dropped a funny reference to the Cirque Du Freak film very close to the end. If you want to check it out, click here: https://www.pajiba.com/film_reviews/review-trying-to-explain-the-awfulness-of-artemis-fowl-to-my-12yearold-self.php


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