• Ashley Manning

    18 August 2022

    This absolutely lovely post about my books was written by blogger ASHLEY MANNING back near the start of December last year -- sorry it's taken me so long to share it with the rest of you.


    It's a beautiful post about how much my books meant to her over the years, how she read them first at school, then at university, and still now that she's graduated and is living and working in that scary old place we like to call... the adult world.


    I think it will strike a chord with a lot of you, whether it was my books that meant (and mean) so much to you, or another author's. It reminded me of the authors who *I* obsessed over in my youth and the decades beyond -- Stephen King, Ray Bradbury, Jonathan Carroll, Neil Gaiman, Alan Moore, and so many others.


    You can read Ashley's post by clicking here: https://ashleymanning.com/2021/12/03/darren-shan-favourite-storytellers/


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