• Ask Me Anything!

    03 June 2020

    Cometh the hour... cometh the Shan!!!


    I'm doing an AMA (Ask Me Anything) session over on Reddit this evening, where I'll be online for two hours from 3pm Eastern Time in the USA (8pm UK time) answering just about every question that people all around the world want to ask me. I did one of these four years ago, towards the end of my Zom-B series, and it was chaotic but a LOT of fun. Literally hundreds of people chipped in with questions, I ran a half hour over the schedule, and had to return to the thread the next day to finish. I'm not sure if it will be quite that busy this time round, but I'm ready and rearing to go if it is!!!


    If you've never been on Reddit before, it's basically a massive Message Board, with areas to cover pretty much every interest imaginable. I'll be hanging out in the Books section (of course!) and you should be able to access the AMA through the link below from 3pm EST onwards. If not, do a little search for Darren Shan on the Reddit site. If that fails, try posting a cry for help here, and I'll chip in with the link if I spot your comment in time.




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