• Ballybunion in July part 2

    29 January 2023

    In a companion piece to last Sunday's set of photos, here are four more snaps of the Shans taken on a day trip to Ballybunion beach back in July.


    In the first, after a busy morning racing around the beach and splashing in rock pools, we tuck into our lunch. Yum!!!


    In the second, in a time honoured tradition, we take Dante gambling in the slot machines in one of the small amusement arcades in the town. This was what I used to love most about my visits to Ballybunion as a kid -- well, the slots and the bumper cars (dodgems). The bumper cars alas are no more, but it's nice to see the slots still going strong. Every child needs to be taught that vital life lesson of how to lose all your pocket money very VERY quickly!!!!


    In the third, Gaia has a go at whack-a-mole. She's pretty nifty at whacking myself, Mrs Shan and Dante when she's in a bad mood, so I think she'll be a natural at this when she's a bit older!!!


    In the final snap, Gaia enjoys an ice cream before the car journey home, while I struggle to pry a periwinkle out of its shell. Hmm... soft, creamy, yummy ice cream or a skinny, salty sea snail?!? Which would YOU prefer?!?!?





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