• Best opening lines

    29 September 2023

    An article was published in the UK recently, listing the best opening lines of a book as voted for by 2000 readers in a poll. I agree with the number 1 choice -- Dickens' brilliant opening to A Tale Of Two Cities -- "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times." An amazing opening line, and the rest of the book isn't too shabby either!! :-)


    A lot of people on social media have been debating whether or not the opening line from the first Harry Potter book should have made the list (it appears at #4). Although I read and greatly enjoyed all the Harry Potter books, I wouldn't rank the opening line as one of the all-time greats, so I'd be on the side that says, all other considerations aside, if you're judging only by the first line, it wouldn't be high on MY list. For those who might have forgotten, it's “Mr and Mrs Dursley of number four, Privet Drive, were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.”


    But all the online debate did get me wondering which of MY opening lines would rank the highest among readers of my books. I haven't gone through and read the first line of every single book I've ever released (there are 60 of them -- it would take me ages!), but off the top of my head I'd say my own personal favourite would a toss up between Cirque Du Freak and The Thin Executioner.


    "I've always been fascinated by spiders."


    "The executioner swung his axe — thwack! — and another head went rolling into the dust."


    But how about you guys? Would one of the above get your vote? Or do you have a different favourite opening line of mine -- one which I've probably completely forgotten about?!? Let's have your quotes, and if we get enough of them, I might put the favourites to a vote a bite further down the line...



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