• Birth Of A Killer reviewed by Morgan

    03 December 2023

    If you're having a quiet, lazy Sunday, why not pass an hour of it wacthing a Shanster called Morgan chat about Birth Of A Killer, the first book in my Saga Of Larten Crepsley series?!?


    Almost every time I post about the Mr Crepsley books, I get at least one or two fans replying, "WHAT?!? There's a series about Mr Crepsley?!?" The answer is, yes indeed, there is!! Four books in total, starting when Larten was a young human boy, and covering the two hundred years of his life before he met Darren and Steve at that Cirque Du Freak.


    But hey, that's enough about the book from me! Let's hear what Morgan has to say about it, by clicking here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qfBlgtNMwb8


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