• Blind Dog Books - Zom-B review

    13 May 2021

    A blogger called Rachael, whose blog is called Blind Dog Books, posted a short overall review of my Zom-B series a while back, summing up her thoughts on the 12 book gorefest. You can check it out over here:




    I smiled BIG when I read the following part of the review:


    "This was definitely my favorite ending of Shan’s books, normally the series endings are just wild and way too much but this was interesting while also being easy to understand."


    It's always tricky to end a long series in a way that will satisfy EVERY fan. I think just about every lengthy series ever written has left a good proportion of its readers grumbling when they get to the final line. It can be hard, when you've invested a huge amount of your time in a story -- sometimes years -- to settle for the author's ending, when in your head you've probably built up an army of your own endings while working your way towards that last full stop.


    I think most of my fans DID enjoy the endings of The Saga Of Darren Shan and The Demonata, but I've heard a fair few grumbles about them over the years too. But Zom-B's finale seemed to hit pretty much everyone's sweet spot. Some readers occasionally get in touch saying they wish I could have shown them a bit more at the end (I'm being careful here not to give anything away), but even then they normally note that it was probably the right decision to stop where I did. Hopefully the ending of my Archibald Lox series next year will enjoy a similar warm response, but hey, if it doesn't, there's not much I can do about it, because it's the only ending I've got!!! :-)



    Check out the Shanville Monthly -- home to all the latest Darren Shan news and updates: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly

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