• Blog Tour - Day 2

    03 August 2021


    It's the second day of my Blog Tour, and today I'm being hosted by THE MOMMA SPOT. They asked me to write an article about some of my favourite characters in my Archibald Lox books. Rather than talk about the main handful, I pick out some of my favourites from the supporting cast. You'll find out who speaks ALL IN CAPITALS, which characters are named after my two children, and which real-life person was the inspiration for Baba Jen, a 600 year old, foul-mouthed battle axe of a woman trapped in the body of a sweet-looking little girl!!! Click here: https://themommaspot.home.blog/2021/08/03/archibald-lox-volume-2-archibald-lox-and-the-kidnapped-prince-book-tour-giveaway/

    For more info about the Blog Tour and where else I'll be visiting, plus news about the launch TODAT of Book 5 of the Archibald Lox series, click here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


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