• Blog Tour - Day 3

    04 August 2021



    It's the third day of my blog tour, and today I'm off to BookHounds YA. They're featuring an article I wrote especially for them, in which I chat about some of the inspirations for my Archibald Lox series. I think it's an enlightening behind-the-scenes insight into where I was coming from with this series. Earthsea and Chrestomanci get a mention... works by Clive Barker and Neil Gaiman... and I also reveal some of the sources for Grop -- the sport I invented for the books -- and how a trip to the theatre one night made me start to worry that I could be accused of plagiarism!!


    You can check out the short article by clicking on the following link, and you can also enter a Giveaway competiton, with a $10 Amazon voucher, and three free ebooks of the Volume 2 Archibald Lox books up for grabs.




    For more info about my Archibald Lox series -- book 5 was released yesterday! -- click here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly





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