• Blog Tour - Day 6

    09 August 2021



    After a break for the weekend, I'm back out on my virtual blog tour. Today sees two reviews for Archibald Lox and the Bridge Between Worlds, the first book in the series, by a couple of bloggers who signed up to host me during my tour.


    First up you can check out a review on Pages of Yellow's Instagram page, where the reviewer says "I absolutely loved it! I cant wait to read the rest. The worlds are so perfectly built, with loads of beautiful descriptions and gripping twists." You can read the full review here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CSWmncEgJ_p/


    After that you can head over to the beautifully named More Books Please blog, where the reviewer enthuses: "This is quickly becoming one of my favorite series, and I hope there’s more to come!" Music to my ears!! And the good news is that yes, there's plenty more to come -- there will be nine books in total!! You can read the full review here: https://morebookspleaseblog.wordpress.com/2021/08/09/3877/


    I'm always nervous when a blogger agrees to review one of my books for a blog tour like this, as they're under no obligation to say nice things about it -- if they hate it, they're free to express that hate, which cane make for a bit of a tour downer! So I'm relieved and delighted that both of these reviewers enjoyed their tip into the Merge with Archie, Inez and co, and that they took the time to post their thoughts on the book to their followers. Many thanks, good bloggers!!!


    For more info about the Archibald Lox books, click here: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


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