• Blog Tour - Day 8

    11 August 2021



    The first question that must be answered on Day 8 of my 10 day blog tour is... what the hell happened to Day 7?!? :-)


    Well, as often happens on a tour like this, wires got crossed, or bloggers got careless, and the post that was meant to air yesterday... didn't. It happened to me a lot on my blog tour last year, which ended up being something of a real roller coaster journey. Things have been much smoother this time round, but I was waiting to hit a bump, and yesterday I finally did. (I actually hit another one today -- there were meant to be two stops this Wednesday -- but with the first blogger coming through as promised, all is well.)


    Anyway, today I'm delighted to be hosted by Addicted To Media. This blogger has been a strong supporter of my Archibald Lox series since the first books came out last spring, so it's lovely that they're part of this tour. If you click on the link, you'll be able to read a short excerpt from Book 1 (the perfect introduction to the series if you haven't yet read any of the books), and there are also links to the blogger's reviews of the first four books. As well as that, you can also enter the tour Giveaway competition, where one winner will win a $10 Amazon voucher, with three others winning eBooks of the three Volume 2 Archibald Lox books.


    Click here and get Addicted!! https://www.addictedtomedia.net/2021/08/archibald-lox-blog-tour.html


    For more info about the Archibald Lox series, see my monthly newsletter: https://darrenshan.com/news/shanville-monthly


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