• Boo-boo number two!!

    20 June 2022

    Ay carumba!!!! After my major boo-boo last week (when I mistook the cover for the 8th Archibald Lox book for the 7th book!), I thought I wouldn't have to worry about such gaffes for a while, as surely I couldn't drop a clanger as big as that one for a long, long time to come, right?!?


    At the weekend, my cover designer, Liam, sent me the cover for the paperback edition of Book 8, which is called Archibald Lox and the Pick of Loxes. I instantly spotted an amazing error when I opened the file -- Liam had got the name of the book wrong!!! He'd called it Archibald Lox and the Pick of THE Loxes!!!!

    I was chuckling away to myself, getting ready to give Liam a good ribbing about it (we're old friends, going back to secondary school, so I can tease him all I want!), when a horrible thought suddenly struck me. It seemed odd that Liam had got the title wrong with the paperback cover, when he'd got it right with the cover for the eBook, which I'd happily shared with everyone at the end of last month. Unless... it couldn't be, could it?!?

    I rushed online to check, and yup -- the title was wrong on the eBook cover too... AND I'D NEVER NOTICED!!!!

    All my teasing rights vanished in an instant, and instead of emailing Liam to tell him he was the world's biggest buffoon for getting the name of the book wrong (to my credit, I DID actually email him the correct title in the first place -- I got THAT MUCH right, at least!!), I had to rather sheepishly email him and tell him that he was in fact only second in the line...


    Anyway, here are the two covers, the correct one first, followed by the swiftly-withdrawn-from-every-store-online incorrect one, which I hope never to lay eyes on again, though I'm sure I'll see it often in my nightmares!!

    Or... is it the other way round????

    To be honest, at this stage of the game, my brain has turned to much and if I was in your place, I wouldn't trust anything I was telling you!!!! ������



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