Books 4 People
25 January 2021Back in October, the staff at Books 4 People Bookstore listed five of their bestselling children's books series, books to "ignite kids' minds" as they put it. My Saga of Darren Shan series (also known as the Cirque Du Freak series) was one of the five, and it's still on sale from them at the incredibly low price of £17.75 -- that's for ALL TWELVE books, in a lovely slipcase!!!
This is the link for the Saga set:
And this is the link for the article, if you're curious to see what else they recommended:
Books 4 People only deliver to the UK, but Lowplex also sell the set at that crazy low rate, and they ship to most countries in the world -- to find the books on Lowplex, click here:
Lowplex also sell my Demonata set at a very low price, so have a look for that too while you're on there, if you don't already own them.
p.s. a couple of fans have said Lowplex no longer ship to the USA, but another fan says you can get the full set on Half Price Books for just $25. I'm not sure if they're the British or American editions, but at that price, does it matter?!? :-)