• Bookshelves and rainbows

    17 August 2022

    A fan called MORGAN sent me a photo of his Darren Shan collection on his bookshelves at home, which reminded me that I haven't shared any of those in a while, which means this is a... bookshelves Wednesday!!!


    MORGAN'S shelves are first up, and I think any Shanster would agree that it's a mighty fine collection -- I especially like the fact that he's left a space to slot in Volume 2 and Volume 3 of my Archibald Lox series when he gets them!! Oh, and the framed "prints" on the wall are fliers for some of my adult, Darren Dash books. I give those out at events that I go to, and sometimes include them when I reply to fan mail too. I haven't seen them framed like this before -- I must say, they look pretty cool, so maybe I'll nick the idea from Morgan!! ������


    The second "shelfie" belongs to DIMPHY. I love these shelves -- architecturally cool, and the creamy white colour is a nice contrast to the dark bookshelves that you so often find.


    Now, the third photo puzzled me at first. It was shared with me by LAURA, and I couldn't understand why the order of the books was so jumbled. I mean, the numbers are printed on the spines, so why didn't she arrange them 1 to 12? Was she just an extremely disorganised person?!? Ah-hah!!! Not in the slightest!! Laura had decided to arrange them to match the COLOURS OF THE RAINBOW!!!! Red.. orange...yellow... etc. How deliciously bonkers is that?!? Such an idea would never have occurred to me. I'm jealous of Laura's imaginative brain!! (I thought she must be a one-off, but another fan, called STEFF, posted to say that she arranged them that way too!!!)


    The final set of shelves belong to NIK, who is piecing back together their Darren Shan collection after losing their original books. Hard to believe that's an "incomplete" collection, right?!? Where do I get the time to write so many books?!? Hey, I might as well ask where do YOU GUYS get the money to BUY so many books?!?!? ������





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