• Buzzfeed - 22 stinkers

    20 December 2023

    While the Cirque Du Freak movie has plenty of fans (it does! honestly!!), there's no denying that lots of people dislike it too, especially if they'd read my books first and were dismayed by the way the film-makers played fast and loose with the plots and characters in the novels.


    It cropped up again in a recent(ish) article on BUZZFEED, entitled: 22 Book To Movie Adaptations That Really Disappointed The Readers. (A rather odd number of movies to pick, in my opinion -- why not stick to the standard 20?!?) There isn't a whole lot of content attached to each listing -- most of them get a single quote from a disgruntled fan, although Cirque Du Freak actually got the double-barrel treatment, with these two stingers:


    "It was a horrible movie, but great book series." – Breanna Ferguson


    "I like to try to pretend it never happened." – Jes Parsons


    To see what other movies made the nefarious cut, click here: https://www.buzzfeed.com/hanifahrahman/book-to-movie-let-downs


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  • Comments

    No AvatarBrian Turner
    17, Jan, 2024
    To hell with those negative comments the movie was great and yes the books were better but not in a bad way. We never had the chance to see anymore movies and get a chance to get more of the story so who are they to judge.I loved it and I want more whether it be more movies or a series. I think it would prove the haters wrong, I won't lose hope to see more of the story. Its never too late and you have something great here, the vampire genre is still strong and you tell a hell of a story. Even a Larten Crepsley TV series or movies would rock. I read all 16 books of that series and with the production value these days I think it would be amazing to watch whether its the original cast or reboot. Thank you for being such a great writer and I hope to see it come back.

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