• Bye bye 2010!!!

    31 December 2010

    Happy New Year, everybody!! I don't have time to post a long blog -- heading out to see some family members soon, then going to see The Invisible Man at the Menier Chocolate Factory, then going out for a nice meal, before viewing the London Eye fireworks display from my flat -- it's going to be a busy old day!!! I'll try to provide a more thorough round-up of 2010 in the Shanville Monthly January edition when I post it tomorrow (hopefully!!). But, in brief, it's been a good old year, packed with travel, new books, lots of tours and buoyant book sales -- nice!!! I've been having a few relaxing days in London between Christmas and New Year's, chilling out after all the madness of moving back into my house, meeting up with family and friends, catching some shows and films, even squeezing in a couple of trips to White Hart Lane to catch Tottenham Hotspur in action! I hope you all enjoy your final day of the year, and I'll be back to catch up with you soon in 2011. Cheers!!!!!

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