• CBR - 10 shows in need of adaptation

    06 June 2024

    CBR ran an article around this time last year (sorry for the incredibly late share!!!) entitled: 10 YA Series That Need Adaptations Before The Harry Potter Reboot


    In a nutshell, it listed ten different YA series that they would like to see adapted as movie or TV shows. I was delighted to see The Demonata in among the mix, and the warm words of praise that they had for it. Of course, fince this aired, The Demonata HAS been optioned, with an eye to developing it as a TV show, so hopefully CBR will get to see at least ONE of their dream adpatations come true in the not too distant future...


    To check out the full article, click here: https://www.cbr.com/ya-series-that-need-adaptations-before-hbo-hp-reboot/#the-demonata-by-darren-shan


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