• CDF cover reveal - 1

    26 September 2024

    January 2025 will see the 25th anniversary of the first ever release of Cirque Du Freak in the UK.


    To mark this momentous occasion, my British publishers, HarperCollins, are reissuing the book with a brand new cover.


    I'm going to be sharing a couple of cropped images from the new cover over the next two Thursdays, ahead of the official COVER REVEAL on Thursday October 16th.


    I'll also be sharing some more info about the new edition of the book in the forthcoming posts, so stay tuned for updates!!!


    I like the new cover a LOT, and I hope you guys will enjoy it too!!


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  • CDF cover reveal - 1

    from Darren's Blog on 26 September 2024

    January 2025 will see the 25th anniversary of the first ever release of Cirque Du Freak in the...

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