• Chessington - the final photos

    11 December 2022

    The final set of photos taken on the Shan clan's trip to Chessington World of Adventures Resort back in the summer.

    Chessington is home to a small zoo as well as a theme park, and there's a very nice walk-through aquarium, where Gaia got up close with a ray.

    Gaia also got up close with Elmer the Elephant at one stage -- she loved the live shows that are staged every day in the peak period.

    We stayed overnight on a glamping site (I posted some photos of that previously), which meant we were among the first people allowed into the park the next morning. Dante's favourite ride from the first day was the swinging seats (which go far higher and faster than most such swinging seats -- you get sprayed with water too), so he was thrilled beyond words when he decided to go on them one last time, and was the only rider!!! I thought they'd make him wait until other arrived, but now, they gave him an incredible solo ride -- I must admit, I was VERY jealous!!!!

    Finally, Gaia is partying heartily again, this time with JJ from Cocomelon. Check out her moves -- she doesn't get those from her father, that's for sure, as I have two left feet!!!





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