• Cirque Du Canada

    24 June 2020

    I'm a bit late sharing this piece of news, but the Cirque Du Freak movie has been streaming on Netflix Canada since May 5th, as you can see in the article below. Whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, I'll leave it to the people of Canada to decide... :-)


    The movie has been streaming on most Netflix stores across the world in recent years, so if you've never seen it and you're interested in seeing how they butchered -- I mean, adapted my books, go check and see if it's playing in your local store.


    Heh heh! As I've said for the past decade since it came out, I actually enjoy the film on its own terms. It's an odd, quirky little movie with a strange but very talented cast, by no means perfect, but probably quite a lot of fun if you've never read the books and are coming to it as a Shirgin (a Shan virgin!). But, yeah, it can be hard to stomach if you're already a fan of mine from the novels, as it does take tremendous liberties with the source material. Oh well, it's better to have an unfaithful movie adaptation that none at all...


    ...isn't it?!?



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