• Cirque Du Freak movie in Limerick

    20 October 2022

    I'm going to be making a rare public appearance, at an even rarer public showing of the Cirque Du Freak MOVIE, at the Belltable Theatre in Limerick (Ireland) on Saturday October 29th, at 3pm. There will be a screening of the film... I'll be giving a short talk about it, either before or after the screening... and I'll also be happy to sign books at the end -- there won't be books for sale at the event, so you'll need to either bring some from home, or pop into the nearby O'Mahony's bookshop on O'Connell Street to buy some.

    This is part of the Richard Harris International Film Festival. They're still uploading the listings, and sorting out the ticketing, so I'll post again once everything is online, with all the relevant links and price info. I just wanted to give you guys a quick heads-up in advance, so that you can block out the date and time if you're interested in coming along.

    This will be only the second time I've ever attended a public screening of the film -- I went to the European premiere in Limerick back in October 2009 (when I was a much hairier beast, as you can see from the photos!), but that was my only promotional event for it. I'd love to see YOU there if you can make it, for what will hopefully be a very special occasion, the day before Halloween -- guests are welcome to come in fancy dress costume if they so desire!!!




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